Update October & November – check out all the offers

Posted: 24th October 2017


Have you got your Halloween costume ready? 28th October is our Saturday Night Halloween party at Hammermsith Salsa Club with  3 fabulous shows and “tricks and treats”. It’s going to be spooktacular.  Also as a special treat we are giving away INCOGNITO DANCE CLASSES & CHAMPAGNE in a HALLOWEEN RAFFLE DRAW!

This is your chance to win a 9 week Salsa/Bachata Course worth £63 and a bottle of Champagne at the Incognito Halloween Party on 28th October at Hammersmith Salsa Club

3 easy steps to  follow: 

1) Click “GOING” to the Incognito Halloween Party Facebook event: 


2) Share the Incognito Halloween Facebook event on your own Facebook profile wall and you must tag Incognito Dance Company Facebook Page, so we know you shared the event. Message us on Facebook when you have done this to notify us, just in case. 

3) Then simply come to the Incognito Halloween Party to see if you won your prize. 


For a full update click here for the latest newsletter, packed with loads of offers

TSC every saturday


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Call 07831 715 368 or email info@incognitodance.com